God needs us to grow but still depend on Him

God moves through us

When we were born we were utterly helpless and totally dependent on someone to care for all our needs. It didn’t take long before we wanted to do things ourselves and in our time and in our way. Just observe a two year old at the dinner table or a four year old getting ready for Kindergarten. We wanted to be independent. Our carers, usually our parents, gave us chores to do to help us grow into responsible, reliable and resourceful individuals. We learnt to consider others and that the world didn’t revolve around us. As we formed relationships we let go of some of our independence to live interdependently with our family, friends and society. Then in the cycle of life, we’ll gradually lose more independence as we age until we once again become utterly helpless and totally dependent on someone to farewell us with dignity and grace.

Our heavenly father, creator of heaven and earth, mastermind behind redemption, giver of life and design, left the most amazing story ever to be told in the hands of twelve disciples. Independently all-knowing, all-powerful and ever-present everywhere, He chose to work through us. As loving father He gives us chores and responsibilities.

God charges us

  • to care for the environment,
  • to care for the animals and their natural habitats,
  • to balance human and natural co-existence,
  • to feed the poor,
  • to visit those in prison,
  • to champion causes and fight injustices,
  • to advocate for the disenfranchised and disadvantaged,
  • to live at peace with our neighbours,
  • to pray for our leaders, government and one another,
  • to show and tell the good news about God’s love.

God is relational.

Just as he depends on us so He wants us to depend on Him for strength and power. He wants us to follow our individual life path equipping ourselves to do the work He has for each of us and He wants us to accomplish much together. Outside of this relationship we lose a sense of our true self. We can become absorbed with only our own needs and we can revert back to infancy thinking the world revolves around us. We become selfish, discontented, fearful and bored. We forget our responsibilities.

Everyday dependence on God isn’t a crutch or a sign of weakness. It’s the very essence of life and an abundant life filled with peace, joy and contentment.

Do you want to be a godly woman filled with strength and power? A woman whom God uses to affect change in this world and in peoples’ lives? Then live your life totally dependent on God.