New start for Baptist women

A new season

EDITORIAL NOTE: March 2016. This post marked the beginning of my time as Director of Baptist Women in November 2011, a happy season that lasted until March 2016.

The Christmas season officially began with the arrival of Father Christmas on Pageant day. Trees will be decorated, puddings boiled and many organizations will have their Christmas break up party. It can be a stressful time managing all these celebrations along with buying gifts and planning Christmas Day to everyone’s satisfaction. I know a family clan who have their family day in mid- November so it doesn’t clash with work, school, church, sport and social end of year functions.

The announcement of the beginning of SA Baptist Women in November doesn’t fit with this festive season’s expectation of closing for the holidays. For the last five years I have had a sense of waiting for God. I had no idea why or what to expect. Then earlier this year God orchestrated an extraordinary set of coincidences that have culminated in this new appointment. I am excited and full of anticipation to see what God does next. If you are praying for someone or for a situation, have confidence that God has heard you and trust God’s timing to be perfect.

It’s time to celebrate the birth of Jesus – God becoming flesh to fulfil His plan of redemption for you and for me.

Let’s celebrate the birth of SA Baptist Women and can we pray together that God’s plan and purpose will be fulfilled.