We all get angry from time to time.
The emotion of anger is neither good nor bad.
It’s an emotion like glad and sad. It is normal to feel mad.
However, anger can be incredibly destructive if you don’t know how to control it.
Frequent or misplaced anger can hurt your reputations, destroy your relationships and even damage your health.
What makes you angry may only mildly irritate someone else. People experience anger in different ways and for different reasons but it’s still their anger. Your anger belongs to you and it’s up to you how you will respond to that anger.
You will learn to recognise the many faces of anger.
You may feel stuck with your anger. You may believe it’s the other person’s fault.
You may have said something like this. ‘If she didn’t say this or do that, then I wouldn’t be angry.’
The truth is that when you are angry you can choose how you will respond.
We will look at five ways to handle anger.
We will look at the anger cycle and I will give you techniques to interrupt that cycle so you can get unstuck. Techniques like active listening, empathy, assertiveness, relaxation and laughter.
Lastly we’ll look at the role of forgiveness in your journey to get unstuck from anger.
I will give you five relaxation techniques.
Book me to conduct this workshop for your group.
If you feel your group would benefit from this workshop, email me and I will see whether I have an available date in my schedule.
NOTE: This is how I make my living so there will be a realistic fee involved. Start by emailing all your details in your email signature; full name, the group you represent, phone number, address, email and two or three best times to catch you on the phone for a brief catch up.