Share the good news through your ordinary life

Loving others


I was having a Grandma day at a playground with my grandchild.

She was hungry so she opened her lunch box which her mummy had so lovingly packed and pulled out a hot cross bun. Spontaneously, without thinking, I pointed out the shape of the cross on the bun and proceeded to tell her how much God loved her by sending Jesus to die on a cross. Not far into my theological dissitation I realized that death and resurrection are concepts far beyond a three year old and so I quickly ended my mini sermon.

A few days later her none-too-impressed parents informed me that Grandma had said Jesus died on a hot cross bun!

Another narrow view

A thirty something woman, new in faith, was under review in her job as a district nurse. Her day would start out on time but gradually she caused more and more distress to patients because she was constantly running late on her rounds by the day’s end. She was under a lot of pressure from her church to evangelize so she lingered with each client trying to preach some gospel to them. Besides being unethical the young woman, and maybe her church, had a very narrow view of the many expressions of evangelism, which in essence, is the conveyance of God’s love for all humanity.

A broader view

Beth* loved Jesus but her sister Kate* didn’t. Beth wanted to witness to Kate but knew she had to be a good friend first. Years passed. Then Kate developed cancer. Beth loved her sister through the journey back to health, waiting and praying for a God moment but it never came. Years passed. One birthday Beth received a card from Kate, which read,

‘The kingdom of God is not far away.
It’s as close as the things we do and say,
and sisters like you bring heaven nearer
and help to make God’s image clearer.’

God showed us that He ‘so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.’ John 3:16-17.

The good news of God’s love does need to be shouted out and told over and over but it can also be demonstrated. ’So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking around life – and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him’ Romans 12:1 (Message Bible).

Years passed

The young woman kept her job and gave herself wholeheartedly into delivering professional service on time with compassion, attention to detail and gentleness.

Beth and Kate are best friends and maybe one day Kate will love Jesus too.

And I chuckle to myself every time I eat a hot cross bun.

*not their real names